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Ruth J. Schilling
Posted By Bodnar Mahoney Funeral Home On April 12, 2015 @ 3:46 pm In Obituaries | Comments Disabled
Ruth J. Schilling, (nee-Mueller), passed away peacefully in her sleep on Sunday, April 12, 2015 surrounded by her loving family.
Ruth was born in Haale/Saale, near Leipzig, Germany to Paul and Erna Mueller.
Her father Paul was the head electrical engineer for a military training complex nearby.
Ruth’s mother Erna, was a compassionate woman and worked as a nurse in the German Red Cross. Ruth had brothers, Herbert and Gerhardt both of whom were also electrical engineers.
Ruth was a graduate of art school and became a fashion designer with plans to continue her art training in Japan. WWII changed all that and she became a draftsman working for a team of scientists and electrical engineers.
As the war drew to a close, Allied forces worked to restore basic utilities and services. It was at that time she met an American soldier named Gary who was given the task to convert the complex for civilian use and service restoration. Over time her father Paul and Gary developed a special trust and friendship. While initially that was not the case with Ruth, over time, she too developed a friendship as well.
They corresponded for some time and eventually accepted Gary’s offer to come to America and after a bill was passed in Congress, Ruth was one of the first German nationals to come to the US. They were married on October 24, 1948.
In time they raised two sons, Robert Gary and Don Mark.
In Eccl.7:1,2 it says that a name is better than good oil. When those words were penned more than 2000 years ago, virgin olive oil was indeed a valuable commodity. How much more so, a good name from God’s perspective. Ruth was well known for her kind care of others, her hospitality, her bakery, cookies, cheese cakes, kuchen and many other dishes. She unselfishly put her family and friends before her and was a wonderful wife and mother.
She was an avid reader and student of the Bible and loved sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom and hope with all she met. She looked forward with eager anticipation to the realization of God’s promises at Psalm 37:10,11,29; Isaiah 25:8,33,24, John 5:28,29 and Rev. 21:3,4. She rests in the safest place she can ever be and we look forward to the time when she awakens to Jesus’ call.
Funeral Services/Memorial Information:
Location: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
4355 Greenwich Rd., Seville, OH
(330) 769-1460
Date: Saturday, April 18th., Time 2:00 P.M.
Husband: Gary G. Schilling
Sister: Renate (Mueller) Heim, St. Catherines, ONT
Son: Don M. Schilling (wife Sandy)
Son: Robert G. Schilling (wife Rachel)
Niece: Christina Mueller (Neustadt, Germany)
Nephew: Rick Schmiedl (wife Debbie, Dover, Ohio)
Granddaughter: Jessica E. Deidrick
Great Granddaughter: Lynsey Deidrick
Granddaughter: Lauren Bronzan (husband Tyler)
In lieu of flowers, Memorial Contributions can be made to Watchtower Bible & Trac Society of New York (www.jw.org)
The Story of Ruth & Hannelorra
When Ruth was little, her mother Erna gave her a beautiful doll that she treasured so very much. She named it Hannelorra. It was an even more precious possession when Erna passed away at an early age due to cancer. She missed her mother dearly and this was a dear reminder of her mother’s love.
At the close of WWII, she met Gary, an American soldier working to restore utilities to the complex in which she lived. Her father was head electrical emgineer and developed a trust and close friendship with Gary. While initially that was not the case with Ruth. Over time however that changed as they got to know each other.
After WWII they corresponded and in time accepted Gary’s offer to come to America. The preparation and ultimate journey was extremely difficult and fraught with danger. She faced opposition from both Russian and German factions and Ruth was not sure if she really would ever make it to America.
Always putting others first, she gave the doll to her older brother Gerhardt and asked to keep Hannelora safe until he could one day he could bring Hannelora back . She did this to give him hope and keep a positive perspective, although deep down inside she figured she would never see him or Hannelorra ever again.
For many years, Ruth was unable to find her brothers and often wondered how they were doing, and if they were even still alive. Through the years she searched. Then some fifty years from when she left, she located her niece and then her brothers and was able to call them after all that time! Soon thereafter, her brother Gerhardt and his wife came to visit Ruth & Gary in Michigan. When he came, the first thing he did , was to present Hannelorra to Ruth! What a beautiful moment, as after many years they were all finally re-united!
Offer Condolence for the family of Ruth J. Schilling
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4 Condolences To "Ruth J. Schilling"
#1 Condolence By Pam Stoops On April 14, 2015 @ 10:24 pm
Dear Gary and Family,
I m sad abt loss of Ruth but I always treasure her smile and good stories abt how you met and served Jehovah and most of Jehovah will treasure your time together and be remembered for faithful service and await to wake Ruth to a beautiful paradise.
Hugs and love
Pam from Honor Congregation
#2 Condolence By Kandi Haines On April 15, 2015 @ 10:03 am
Dear Gary and Family,
I’m so sad to hear of Ruth ‘ s passing. She was a very special lady and such and inspiring example of love and faithfulness. May she rest well until we meet again. She will be missed.
My prayers are with you as well as all of the friends here in Honor. My you find comfort in Jehovah’s promises during this sad time.
Love and Hugs to you all,
Kandi Haines
Honor, Michigan Congregation
#3 Condolence By Rick and Deborah Schmiedl On April 15, 2015 @ 10:40 am
I will always remember the family get togethers in Parma Ohio. The laughter and good food will always be remembered. My Aunt Ruth will always be remembered for her care, compassion, and beautiful personality.
#4 Condolence By Bob Brigden On April 23, 2015 @ 10:15 am
Bob and family, thank you for sharing this link with Nancy and me.
We are sorry for your loss and wish you well in your grieving process.
Looking forward to seeing you and Rachel this summer.